Friday, December 9, 2022


gifts from my mother :

90% of lyrics to 90's country radio =
     forever memorized
a penchant for station wagons
a commitment to not rot on the vine β€”
   πŸ‡ critical thinking
   πŸ‡ spirituality
an aversion to the 
    ceremony making one a * wife *
a full-on domestic wheelhouse
v conversational w/ strangers

teacher : i have work to do

    & i’m doing it
so keep teaching me
soaking up your nurture
fill my tank, teacher 

if i woke up her :

i'd take off the mask
    face it all
    pull-back, tuck
look & see
    "cataracts :
    inability to see ahead with joy
    dark future
    life is eternal and filled with joy."
        - louise hay πŸ‘Ό
i’d go to a treatment center spa place β€”
β€” you know β€”
    get tons of bodywork
    & get into therapy
        find a way to really get into it all
be curious about the mechanics of life
a hand-carved wooden walking cane
fiber arts revival / rehab thru quilting demons

aging & the beverly hills of it all :

a remnant from the hollow years
    botched under-eye filler dissolved
broken talons untouched through the XC move
    ! shape up !
15 minute chair massage
     4 the thing living in my back

this also means :

i should learn how to quilt
health is my new vice


dreaming of eels, maroon & yellow
they keep outgrowing their tanks
want to be together in a realllly big tank
wait, that doesn't work either
separate & larger; them / their tanks
they won't stop growing

how to re-wild domesticated eels ?
overthinking it, stop it
there are no tops on the tanks
they will figure it out
never was your problem


tom, my shamanic practitioner, does psychic surgery, removing the wet concrete creature & its tentacles wrapped around my 2nd chakra; tendrils up into my ear drums, into the hinge of my jaw β€” never was my belief system, no matter how deep inside it was shoved; pumped; swallowed; to love is to witness without the weight of what i would do, as that is what i have asked to experience; agency shines …. Slithers

to work is to generate aligned ideas
requires desire & exchanging energy

while the sun is my teacher, tom is an excellent light-worker :


At 12/19/2022 4:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen. We’re our mothers, grandmothers, great grandmothers. Evolution comes through digging deeply, shedding layers of ancestral oppression, breaking toxic cycles with self love and a whole lot of weed. And celebrating the fact that we can choose ourselves without guilt.🌹

At 12/20/2022 9:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


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