Tuesday, February 7, 2023


πŸ—£Girl Mess is waking up to super erotic dreams and deciding to reset your bedroom.

I've done a lot of bedroom resets for myself and for others to call in new l*vers. And there's no right or wrong. It's just about freshening up the room. My bedroom is not very big and my bed is very big and it's kind of in a corner. So I moved it out of the corner and really dusted underneath. Dusted the baseboards. Stripped off the sheets. Did a hot water wash. Thought about flipping the mattress, but didn't. Opened the window. Did a little bit of smoke medicine. Went for a power walk, listening to oldies. I used to fall asleep to oldies as a little girl and I would cry because maybe they wouldn't be around when I was an adult and this boy who had a crush on me would call in songs to the cool radio station and I would lie and say that I liked Green Day. But I really liked oldies. I wish I could have just had him call the oldies station

base of driveway post power πŸ‘ŸπŸ‘Ÿ

That's really all I've done for the bedroom today [πŸͺœ plucked that paintbrush strand (2)]. It feels like enough. Put the sheets back on, fresh and clean. I was gifted some new cosmetics, so I unpacked those. I'm going to put them in this little wooden box that my grandfather painted forever ago. It's outside taking air. Smelt a bit musty, so I sprayed it down and am letting it get some sun. Oh, and I also took a shoe rack and spray painted it metallic silver, so that'll be really funky. That'll live in one of the bedroom closets after full moon light.

I'll give the bathroom some love. i.e. I'll clean the bathroom. And then when I shower, after cleaning the bathroom, I'm going to wash my hairbrushes with my shampoo. I'm thinking about switching to shampoo and conditioner bars. No plastic. And work on washing my hair less. Thinking a lot about hair as an extension of the skin, skin as an extension of the nervous system, of the sensory system, of sensing things. Intuition. I was strongly guided a couple of years ago to chop off my hair and let only my natural hair grow back. And now of course I want it down to my ass ← I always say this β†’ growth takes time.

Working my way through the rest of the house, onπŸ“±off with clients, so keeping all the balls rolling, playing a lot of oldies. InsideπŸͺ΄Outside, there's this planter box that the dryer vent empties into, so nothing's planted in it right now. It was overgrown with weeds when I moved in. Pulled out all the weeds (then) and so now I just turn the soil there to get out the lint, tend and flip. Feels very kinky. It really seems like very happy soil.

Went grocery shopping for some of my favorites, for that always feels like big love shit. And I've ordered the vacuum !!!!! I've been lusting over. I kid you not. I've been wanting this gold Dyson stick vacuum since before I moved. Only in Los Angeles, there's a vacuum showroom at the mall, and I just fell for it. I had given my old Dyson sticks to my cleaning woman. They both required repairs, so if you want to repair them, you can have them! Make life a lot easier. I wanted to buy this vacuum then, but it felt a bit opulent. But honestly, my only complaint about this home is that I'm still finding the previous tenant's dog hair in places, which is just, like, really gross to me. So the vacuum is supposed to arrive on Wednesday, and in preparation, I've been sweeping in all the rooms.

Soooo tired in a way I'm not typically tired. I know my nervous system is resetting, letting everything be okay, making good food, sleeping on clean sheets, shampooing hairbrushes, stacking boots on a silvered shoe rack, and starting to book out clients for my visit back to Los Angeles. It'll be a nice time. It'll be nice to leave the house feeling really proud of itself.

*Lovers is a mood, a polarity fusion acceleration, as much as it can be flesh & bonexxx

P.S. family fall-out [table-out (2)]

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At 2/08/2023 7:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love this. Such a treat.

At 2/09/2023 8:47 PM , Blogger mwj said...

8 canisters emptied night 1


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