Wednesday, September 21, 2022



All tech feeling like old tech. Old as metaphors. Layers of old tech fascinating as we live-work unbalanced through our demise. Streams of constant documentation, living-working-processing these onslaughts of feelings, of desires living-dying. When will truly fresh take root in the soil of the discussion of what maybe should've already been done? Growth uses what it has because there is no perfect starting point. Ideal timing light bulbs flash in remembering.

I met Alexa on the radio and we've been creating playlists together for a few years now. I'll give her an emotional starting point and she gets it plus more, placing it in bite-size pieces well-ordered — like cleaning out the junk drawer.

We were having a meeting at mine. A drawing Shea made caught our attention. A character — a tiny-baby-fire-god — like intuition drawn out — stomping feet when you just won't listen for the umpteenth time.

Our musical collaboration became this all knowing deity's safe place, their eDoll Home, nestled in the ether of our data clouds. Check it out, another WIP because malleability is adopting a bird's-eye view — like how to make new changes by avoiding old traps >> change the song for pep in your next steps >> work up a sweat (wait for it) ^

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