Tuesday, April 11, 2023

< Notes

<3 Notes

This is a song Shea wrote 

It is called calling me 

The shape of you was calling me down to Mully  street ,got  you a piece of pizza extra pepperoni cheese then I came to your apartment and I opened the door and even though You love me I really love you more .

She said let me guess The shape of me was calling you down to Mully  street ,got  me a piece of pizza extra pepperoni cheese then You came to my apartment and You opened the door and even though I love you You really love me more .

By:DJ tumbleweed aka me(Shea)

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At 4/12/2023 6:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stunning words from a stunning heart. Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. 🫶🏽


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