Monday, April 10, 2023

gIRL message


gIRL mess is un-gendered. gIRL mess is a philosophy in action class about being home now, In Your Real Life. Home is your body moving through the world. Your body needs shelter. Shelter can fuel inspiration or deplete your body with mess. Mess is self-defined until it's just the only thing left to call your dis-order.

gIRL mess teaches ritualized consciousness. Ritualized consciousness shapes space, style and sex. Space + Style + Sex create the trifecta of an adult life. Being an adult requires bravery.

Much of IRL is marred with abuse of the feminine energy at the hands of the masculine. Reduce, reduce, reduce Her β€” and somehow β€” everything is someone's mom's fault, u son of a bitch. No common sense. When you expect Her to only give, give, and never receive, harmony's out of the question. So our planet isn't dying, we are killing ourselves off our Mother with our ignorance. Strip Her inherent resources, criminalize Her blooming agency, and escape any introspection. Don't worry, keep doing what you're doing. But, is it working?

 πŸ‡an archetypal seductress's cave
filled with life & emblems of



At 4/10/2023 6:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...



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