Saturday, March 18, 2023


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My mother can be TMI and told me that I was conceived in LA at the Four Seasons. My Venus line runs over LA. The amount of love and heartbreak I've experienced in that city is evidence of it. Equinox is coming this Tuesday. Valentine's Day [when the pink suit photos were taken] fell on a Tuesday as well. The day of Mars. My Mars is in Aries and Aries initiates the spring season.

- LeilA Greiche, Founder & Director of Leila Greiche LLC

Mom's Moschino dress

RAM is the symbol of Aries

Photos by mwj


LG LA selfie



At 3/18/2023 4:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everything about this is so pretty. Wandering pretty. Wondering pretty.

At 3/18/2023 6:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gorgeous, my mars is also in Aries 🫧


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