Sunday, November 6, 2022


* CAN DO *


* CHOOSE 2 *


I ran into that nanny family in Jamaica. It wasn't my life then and seems forever far away now, but I was at a fully staffed private estate within a gated resort for some real tennis faux tournament Thing. Married / toddler / pregnant / blonde. Take the golf cart to a reggae 'party' and there they were. Not one of us could believe it.

guess he didn't go to jail, or got out quickly, wi$e man

Late summer babies. Keep those ankles up. All the water weight would fall off, pacing, rocking, whispering new names. Rock him, rock them, whispering his name, whispers of whispers in the walls. Scheming was happening and documents drawn up, as I wrapped my tummy for support.

barely skims the surface

My sons picked their names. Never had baby names on my mind, and never heard (as in noted, logged) my sons' names before they popped in. These beings forming inside my body, conspirators in a grand push to the other side. Team effort, let's go, pop on out. We would mantra together for days prior:

head down
chin tucked
back to front

And something else that I forget now and don't need to remember. I won't be birthing more human babies this lifetime.


Rogan means redheaded one and he is. Craved so much mint (chocolate chip ice cream) that I knew he'd be spicy. Two years, two weeks, two days apart Shea so spicy too. Same shade of red, blue eyes, Shea's way. Shea means admirable, dauntless — though I think he picked it because it sounds soothing, and he knew we'd need that. Shea Butter baby. Sea with an h. Megan with an h. Pearl in the oyster in the deep blue redheaded sea.

eye of the storm
pick your partners wisely
so you dive below
meaning as so above

Do U KNOW if oysters sink in or float around?

-'-^-{☀ ♡ }-,-‘–

The boys and I have named all of our homes, or they have told us their names at some point. There's no new name yet; need my crew's eyes on the scene. Getting closer; feel the kicks.

In this move, I am being more than doing. It's different because the stuff comes after I came. Stuff holding tight in LA, past the due date so to say. I find myself being in each room. Cumming in each room. Sleeping in the study. Then next night in the dining room. Watching old Romeo and Juliet on a meditation cushion in the living room. Reading room? Meditating to the sight of the hot orange Japanese maple through the office? window. I haven't really been in my bedroom. That's the room I have spent the least time being inside of. Might just come down to window treatments. A window treatment made from 80's deadstock floral to shield my comings, cummings and goings from the neighbor's kitchen sink.

Even what you don't KNOW can hurt u.

Mighty 2 allow 

people * places * things

b who and what they r and r not

Chin up



At 11/06/2022 8:07 AM , Blogger mwj said...

falling back ♾️ springing ahead

At 11/06/2022 8:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Incredibly beautiful, Meghan
“whispers of whispers in the walls”
“Pearl in the oyster in the deep blue redheaded sea”

At 11/11/2022 12:22 AM , Blogger Amanda said...

a little breathless reading this one. pure beauty bb


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