Monday, September 26, 2022




I spent the Equinox interviewing one of the best LA witches <3 on the energetic concept of twin flames <3 ridiculous, but not — like anything else these days. My intention was to share the interview mmmmmmm not possible. I will listen back and parse out more, for she really was trying to get me (and you) to hear how madly we fall in love with our pain reflected back in another. Lots to process. The carnality? Forget about it (no, really). The physicality feels destined, so thanking goodness for ever-changing destiny.


Julie has experienced twin flame patterning in her own life. She witnesses these learned patterns holding true for her diverse clientele. The bond between twins is tested when an opportunity / a series of opportunities / a collection of choices and decisions to transmute the pain has been laid bare. 

Truth feeling dare-like, universally placed in front of the lovers: Here my babies, go for it, drink from these waters.

The tower moment is what she calls the potential for pain transmutation. Requires fluidity. In this moment, the forces of attraction behind karmic chemistry can come out from the shadows for light work. Well-lit work can happen. Soul healing * through sex and love * a glorious insight into why * and with whom we may crack open beside (bedside) ! wow ! yet almost always one or both will run. Jump? The stakes are that high.

You want me to put down this core identification?
    It's called a pain body for a reason.

We can become whole other people through embodied healing.
    Are we brave enough to go there?

𓁹the way I see it𓁹
the healing wouldn't tie you to the person
any more than the pain hooks you
but I don't know that yet

Run and reunion. Invisible chords tugging, pulling u+u into reunion and running. (Haha, that crazy toddler at the park just booking it + their panicked parent racing after.) The cycle may very well repeat, and as with all life lessons, it will get served again and again until you bite OR LOUDLY DECLINE no thank you, I've had enough for now / for forever.

Life offers countless comforts, as it offers a cornucopia of growth. There's no witch nor magic that allows you to avoid the discomfort inherent in changing selves. Salves, sure. Shortcuts, aplenty.

Life also offers misery (loves company) and self-destruction. Too easy to get addicted to chasing-fixing-not listening.

I do know that love doesn’t have to hurt. I can well imagine loves hurt en route to one that doesn’t hurt more than it feels like a (fill in your blank).

 BARBIE® DREAMHOUSE® 43" TALL 41" WIDE >>          




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At 9/26/2022 11:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

blank is full
heart is full
reading this

At 9/27/2022 12:49 AM , Anonymous Ms. Feral said...

Beautiful writing & wise words xoxo

At 9/27/2022 2:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Mabon 📯

At 10/03/2022 9:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a morning rereading this and listening, LISTENING. Things are still muddled, not clear. Then clarity hits. Thank you for this.


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