Thursday, July 7, 2022


Since I began driving, taking out my mother’s metallic brown Taurus station wagon on late night escapes, 15ish and craving at least a Frosty, I have been seeing 12:34 on clocks daily.

And other places too, including so many addresses.

One, two, three, four — step by step by step by step. Keep moving forward — my obsession, and yeah, I do know where it comes from.

Then it just seemed to start, maybe a year ago? Rather than (and many days in addition to, seeing 12:34) I started seeing 11:11 everywhere. I see it even twice a day or more. Eleven:Eleven is a different kind of Twelve:Thirty-Four — steady coasting versus gaining altitude. Strategic endurance is not martyrdom, and factors in success, meaning accomplishment of an established goal. Doesn't a calibration period come after one steep climb and before another? Climb, calibrate, repeat.

4 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1




Eleven:Eleven must also be about balance, for it is balanced, symmetrical, classically beautiful. How very human to chase balance 11:11, with an emphasis on the chase 12:34. Talk about a chasm between Intentionality and Actuality: we claim to desire balance when we are addicted to the chase. Unconscious autopilot (capitalism) overrides the karmic quest of a lifetime. All that getting takes the space of having.

In my case, I find the double elevens lay an opportunity on the table:

Accept what it is you wish to change.

Change is natural, but make your shifts from a place of acceptance. Pause and hold still. Quiet your mind. With clear, rested eyes, look around and take in the circumstances you have created. Make peace with what is and then sure, from that peaceful stasis, craft plans and go for it. Get to it.

arms out and catch your balance


onwards step by step by step by


Curious which # patterns you see on the regular,

and how you choose to find meaning in this occurrence,

or not?

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At 7/18/2022 3:12 PM , Anonymous Amanda said...

So rich--the mathematical equations of becoming. I had 4444 all over Paris, usually split into pairs (44 + 44)


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